The fact is a lot of PM’s experience burnout during their career. Its touched me personally and also the clients I coach. You know our industry on average turns staff over every 9 months. That’s crazy! We’re surviving instead of thriving!

So how can you avoid burnout? Well I have two words for you…. Energy and management. We must become responsible for the energy we give to others and our selves.

My 3 step system is this;
1. Warm up
2. Game on
3. Cool down

Here’s how it works, break your time into 3 part. Warm up activities include planning your day, browsing your emails or writing a to do list. Then shift to game on which is short bursts, 2-3 hours of client facing time such as routines, maintenance, chasing arrears etc then it’s cool down… Switch off, go out for lunch, go for a walk. Then round 2 begins and repeat the system. On highly stressful days you might need 3-4 rounds with only 1 hour game on bursts…

Learning to master your personal energy will keep burnout at bay, your ability to deliver exceptional service and alertness to see opportunities when they arrive at your door

(watch the video below)


Please email us if you’d like to know more about this tip or need any further assistance.