Have you ever experienced a time when you’ve gone to the key cupboard in your property management department only to find the keys missing or only the letterbox key is on the key ring? What a nightmare hey!

Key management can be time consuming when the keys are taken out and not returned – not to mention a risk to the business if the keys are actually lost.

Often I have clients that say they find lost keys in desk draws, filing cabinets, particularly in cars and on keyboards without any tags. Another risk is actually putting the address directly on the key tag.

There’s nothing like opening your business up to litigation when the plumbers drops the keys and the address is right their for the robbers to take all the tenants belongings!

So my recommendation to avoid this kind of drama is to follow these simple standards;

1. Don’t put any kind of identifier on the key tag other than a numerical key number – console users will know that your keys number increments automatically.

2. Avoid putting keys in envelopes with the address at reception for creditors

3. If keys are returned by a tenant on vacating, or an owner or a creditor make sure they are checked and tagged straight away

(watch the video below)



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