As a Property Manager have you ever gone to a file in Console (Owner, Property or Tenant) and found a note in the details page about something really important, only to find that you don’t know who wrote it? No name, no date, no time and no idea! How frustrating!

This tip shows you how to automatically add a date and time stamp to your user notes in Console Gateway Live.

(watch the video below)



When adding notes in Gateway there is a very simple keyboard shortcut that automatically inserts the users name, date and the time that the note was created.

  1. Place your cursor into the notes field
  2. On the keyboard select Control R (That R for Record)
  3. Gateway will enter in your login name, today’s date and the current time into the notes field.
  4. Notes entered using this method will automatically be added to the top of the notes field, so the most recent notes will always appear first with the ability to scroll to older notes using the scroll bar.

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