An Owner may issue three types of specific instructions relating to any maintenance required for their Property;

  1. Approved Spend Limits
  2. Specific Instructions and
  3. Preferred Tradespeople

In Console this is noted via the Maintenance Instructions tool located in the Owners File, Under the Tools drop down menu…

(watch the video below)


Follow the below steps to complete this task;

  1. Select Maintenance Instruction from the Tools menu – the Maintenance Instructions dialog box displays.
  2. To create a new Maintenance Instruction click New.
  3. Select the type of maintenance from the Type drop-down list.
  4. Click Contact if the required Creditor already exists in Gateway and search for the Creditor, alternatively manually enter the Owner preferred contractor details including their company name, phone numbers, fax and e-mail.

NOTE: Manually entered contractors will not create a Contact or Creditor record and will be stored on the Owner‟s file only.

  1. Enter a dollar amount spend limit for maintenance (if applicable) as specified in the management agreement.
  2. Click Notes to enter additional maintenance instruction notes, i.e. the Owner must be advised prior to the work being performed.
  3. Click Save.

To add further instructions for other maintenance Types repeat these steps.

Please email us if you’d like to know more about our Console Catapult Program or need any further assistance.