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Inspiration, Education & Best Practice for Property Managers

8 Tips For Recruiting New Staff

Recruiting New Staff Hiring Staff – it really can’t be that complicated can it?! Surely, all you need to do is: • Put an ad on Seek • Wait for résumés to roll in • Interview the likely candidates and • Hire the one that you like the best Well that is exactly what... read more

Property Management Structure & Systems

[fve][/fve] There is no ideal number of properties that any one Property Manager should be able to manage, however there is a formula for maximising the productivity of your team. A structure that is inline with your vision, demographics,... read more

Reverse Goal Setting

[fve][/fve] Our Mind set article this month comes from my Business Coach – Benjamin J Harvey. I’m sure after watching this video you’ll feel a lot more relaxed when working on goals. My advice is: Stop setting goals!... read more

Video Walk Through Tours

Finding a unique “Point of Difference” in Property Management can sometimes be a little challenging. One of our P.U.R.E Hub & P.U.R.E Assist members, Total Care Property Management in Perth have recently discovered theirs and are not afraid to show... read more

Performance Appraisal

Reward for performance helps to get maximum effort and performance out of employees, making reward a win-win situation for employees and employers. Considering how valuable good Property Managers are, and how difficult they are to replace, agencies should do... read more

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