By far the most time consuming area of a Property Managers day is handling the “During a Tenancy” stage. There are many factors to consider during this stage and many laws and regulations to be complied with.

(watch the video below)


Let’s take a look at the key areas;

  • Arrears
  • Inspections
  • Maintenance
  • Lease Renewal
  • Communication

Use this guide to help organise your time to be more effective!


  1. Create, review and priorotise your to do list
  2. Reply to emails and calls
  3. Complete your rent arrears
  4. Work on tasks


Rotate through these topics during the week.

  1. Maintenance
  2. Routine Inspections
  3. Entry & Exit Inspections
  4. New Business Advertising
  5. Applications
  6. New Tenant Preparation
  7. Conduct Viewings
  8. Work on Tasks
  9. Reply to emails and calls

Please email us if you’d like to know more about our Property Management Courses or need any further assistance.